Skull - Token

Welcome to the Dark Ages

Skull is an old, wooden currency from the dark ages. It was used by the rulers to pay

mercenaries to do things for them that were better kept hidden.

Skull was therefore not an official currency and could

only be used in certain locations where the mercenaries

were among themselves and had their own laws.

So if you dare to go further, you better have a few Skulls in your pocket.

The Skull - exchange and the transition to the dark ages is just one click away . . .

Work experience

Senior project manager

CompliTech / Aug 2018 - Present

In this role, I helped my team deliver our company’s first virtual reality product from start to completion.

Project manager

Faybl Media / Jun 2016 - Aug 2018

I took the lead in developing new and streamlined approaches to project delivery. I helped save the company time and resources on future projects

Areas of expertise

Project managament
Resource management
Cost tracking

Recent projects

Helped create a prototype 3D printed book.
Managed a project developing a new app for finding other apps.
Headed a team restructuring project flow to minimize waste.